Thursday, June 7, 2007


Pranaspanganam – The Light of Consciousness – The Divine Spark

Pranaspanganam is a delicious word from Sanskrit. Words vibrate in our consciousness and mind, flowering into associations. If you think of a word or repeat it over and over to yourself, it can become a mantra. Behind the thought process is the "Divine Spark". This can be mediated by metabolism, DNA,RNA, our brain chemistry. Another way to look at the basis of awareness is to meditate on the concept of the "Burning Bush" or "the Eternal Flame". Yet energy can be turned into an explosive or it can be directed into a beautiful piece of prose.

You need to stop for a moment to think and focus, to be in the gestalt of the present moment, where you can reach the eternality of the present.

Why "Orthogonal Vectors" ? The sphere of life is interactive on many vectors and planes. Hence I have the liberty to blog on most any vector and subject.

In Spanish, there is the concept of “Palabras con Sabor”, which translates into words with flavor. Associations can verge on the poetic and elicit artistic imagery. However if you use the wrong word in the wrong context, this can be an endless source for amusement or embarrassment.

When you read a piece of literature, it has it's best understanding and meaning in it's original language. A professional translation needs to read like an original work, and an experienced and seasoned translator has a grasp of language and concepts equally well in both the source and target languages. Try taking a machine translation and back translating it into the source language.

Some translators are better in one language or language pair. For example it is relatively rare when you have a translator that is equally adept in going from English to Spanish and from Spanish into English. You also need to be cognizant in areas of expertise, and talent as a writer.

Why do people translate, or to be specific, why do businesses translate ?

The answers might be to increase sales, market share, to educate, to entertain, to share records, transcripts, medical or technical information, as well as legal documents , birth certificates or transcripts. These are just a few of the reasons.

The next concept is valuation of services. How much does a translator charge, and what does a client want to pay. The foundation of a transaction can be rather fascinating. I plan to explore these concepts this in future Blogs.

Value has to do with education, preparation,certifications, talent, experience, tools and common sense.

To learn more about quality in translation please visit:

Take a moment to Relax:

I will conclude my first blog asking the reader to consider that translation is both an artistic pursuit as well as technical discipline.

Have a pleasant day.


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